Starting July 16, 2014 all payments previously made in the Beaufort County Planning, Zoning, Building Codes, Business License, and Codes Enforcement Departments must be made in the Treasurer’s office. This new policy is a result of new software implemented in the above- mentioned departments.

“This new software and process will create more efficiency and accurate reporting of related information as well as improve controls over transactions. The employees working in the departments have been well-trained and will make every effort to keep the transition as seamless as possible,” said Beaufort County Chief Financial Officer Alicia Holland.

Customers will conduct all business, as done in the past, in each individual department and then go to the Treasurer’s office to make one payment. A computer generated receipt will be provided.

Beaufort County Council approved the $75,000.00 purchase of the system in the spring of 2013, which covered the cost of the software and training.